Our achievements

Construction project for the small hydroelectric power station of MBAKAOU CARRIERE

LESSORS : European Union (Energy Facility), Private Investor (IEDInvest CMR) and State of CMR.

The Rural Electrification Agency (AER) signed on 06/29/2017, an investment subsidy agreement with the company IED Invest Cameroun through which it undertakes to provide financial support, through the Fund. 'Rural Energy (FER) for the development of the Project entitled "Construction of the Small Hydroelectric Power Plant of Mbakaou-Carrière on the Djérem River and associated rural electrification", in the District of Tibati, Department of Djérem, Region of Adamaoua.

Energy Sector Development Project (PDSEN)

With a view to improving access to modern energy services for poor populations, particularly in rural areas, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Energy Plan for Poverty Reduction (PANERP) developed as part of the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRSP), the Government of Cameroon and the World Bank have agreed to set up the Energy Sector Development Project (PDSEN). The PDSEN, which spanned eight years (2009-2017), had the development objective of increasing access to modern energy in rural areas by improving planning and management of sector resources in order to support growth.